Thursday, September 19, 2019

Professional Posting from a Sun Lounger

Bula!  Professional blog posting from the sun lounger I have found out is not my strong suit.  Too many distractions, including a great read... which I can't guarantee this will be.

For DFI week 8, Friday 13th September, I had a crack at the Google Site speed wero.  Not easy.  Just made it so I'm feeling good about pending 3 hour exam.  Plus I hear there'll be snacks.  Can't go wrong with team snacks.  Worked through the sample exam questions, one of which stumped me in terms of how to sort data from descending to ascending which I've done lots of thought was quite simple.  As it happens, after a bit of playing I've figured it out that I indeed meant to select all first, then work through the details like selecting the correct column, and marking if there's a header at all.  Sorted!  Ha.

Some of the DFI content could well have been my favourite, even though I was not there!  Fun fact, two of my all time absolute FAVOURITE famous New Zealanders are John Campbell and Nigel Latta, so empowered was just the missing piece of the puzzle for me, bringing visible, ubiquitous and connected together.  So pleased to see some TVNZ footage presented by these champions had made it to the Empowered slides... on my 'to watch' list certainly.

The digital portraits created through Drawing were AMAZING!  Briar kindly met with me and got me up to speed, showing me some tools I didn't know about... wow!  The potential uses of this Google App seem endless, and here I was thinking Slides was unbeatable.


  1. Kia ora Josie,

    Well done on doing a blog post from Fiji - such a fabulous view. Ubiquitous learning in action.
    Great to see you could make connections with some of your fav people and how this helped you understand more.


  2. Commitment! I am impressed that you did this from Fiji. Equally impressed that you got leave during school time- good for you :) If you want to know more about Google Draw, we can schedule an Online Toolkit about that next term. I don't use it that much (too many other programmes to choose from), but Gerhard here is a guru. So is Matt who was visiting your DFI last week.
    Enjoy the celebration of the nine weeks.

  3. This Fiji thing is just showing off. Jealous much. That day was miserable too. Cold and wet.


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